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Transforming Coal-Mining Operations Through Data

Business Transformation

  • Faster data processing facilitates smarter condition-based monitoring of BUMA’s extensive network of advanced mining equipment, leading to 180% improvement in average components lifetime. Pure Storage’s data infrastructure for predictive maintenance enables greater operational reliability and client con dence, while the lower carbon footprint and Evergreen model reduces capital expenditure. 

IT Transformation

  • Response time for key database query slashed
  • Data compression surpasses any other competitors
  • Potential disk malfunction was detected well before it occurred, allowing BUMA’s IT team to rely entirely on Pure Storage’s predictive analytics to manage maintenance and ensure optimal reliability 

“The future of the coal-mining industry truly lies in the technology that can provide real time insights for exible decision making, optimize workforce productivity and analytics to predict equipment failure. Pure Storage’s Evergreen model o ers the best value for us to stay at the forefront of an evolving landscape, while minimizing capital expenditure.”
Edwin Rene, Manager of IT, BUMA

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퓨어스토리지코리아 주소

30F 아셈타워,

517 영동대로,

강남구, 서울


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