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Pure Storage Takes a Bite Out of Costs for Major Food Producer

Business Transformation

  • Employees in both the head office and at production plants see faster response times when using SAP to conduct business-critical transactions and generate valuable reports. The IT staff now spends almost no time managing storage, and the company has calculated capital and operating savings of more than $2 million over five years.

IT Transformation

  • Key SAP transactions and reports are now generated in as much as 99% less time.
  • IT staff can be redeployed to conduct more valuable tasks rather than time consuming storage administration.
  • Savings of more than $2 million are expected over five years in total cost of ownership, which allows the company to invest in innovative IT projects.
“It’s just amazing when you can lay eyes on an environment for the first time and set it up properly in 15 minutes.”
Steve, Manager of Enterprise Systems and Storage, Major Food Producer
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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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